Monday, March 18, 2013

5 Months Old

We have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to post Alexis' 5 month photos, let alone do any other blog posts. I have a lot of catching up to do and will try to do so in the coming week or two. I was so blessed to have my sister Brittney visiting during this 5 month photo shoot. Each month, the photos are becoming more and more difficult to take. Having my sister there to take photos with me helped capture at least a couple of decent pics. Thanks again Britt!

Alexis at 5 Months: Alexis has developed quite the personality. She is such an incredibly smiley girl. All you have to do is smile at her or talk to her and she will grin from ear to ear. She loves blowing bubbles, chewing on toys, and exploring people's faces with her hands. Alexis has stopped sleeping through the night and generally wakes up at least once to eat. I hope in a month when we start her on purees she will start sleeping through the night again. She still does pretty well when held by others, but if she is tired or hungry and sees Greg or me she starts whining and begging for us. I'm sure it will annoy me at some point, but I love being the one she wants/needs to be comforted. I cannot believe that she will be half a year old in less than a month. We have been having so much fun with her and she brings us such joy. We are looking forward to another month of great memories with her!

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