Sunday, November 3, 2013

Alexis' First Birthday Party

The day of Alexis' birthday fell on a Wednesday. I was still battling morning sickness and Greg and I were both getting over a yucky virus that had given us trouble for a few days. Plans to have birthday cake at home changed to frozen yogurt and toppings at the yogurt shop that then changed to a five minute stop in to McDonalds for a taste of her first icecream cone. I'm glad we did something to make her birthday special, but I wish Mom and Dad had felt better and more up to celebrating.

That weekend, we traveled "home" to Oregon to celebrate Alexis' first birthday. It just made sense for us to travel to family and friends instead of the other way around (plus, I doubt many people would have made the trip to Idaho if we'd had it here). We were so blessed by my parents for hosting the party and welcoming so many people into their home. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people who came! It made the party and our visit very special.

Over the summer I had grand plans inspired by none other than Pinterest for what I envisioned for my little girl's first birthday party. I had made a list of decorations I planned to create, treats I planned to bake, and party favors to hand out. Unfortunately 9 weeks of relentless morning sickness squashed most of my ideas. It didn't end up looking the way I wanted and some things didn't go the way I had planned, but what was most important was spending time with the family and friends who came to celebrate our little girl. I was still quite ill on the day of the party that I had to just take a deep breath and let others help, bake, and decorate for me. I did manage to at least create her birthday banner and her monthly picture collage.
Since I was still feeling so awful, I didn't manage to take many pictures or organize family together for pictures. But thanks to Grandma Teune and Grandma Adams I have a couple pictures of Alexis with friends and family on her special day.
The best we could get of Alexis with Grandpa Teune and cousins Tatum and Harper
It was fun to have so many kids around to play. Cousins Macie and Harper, friend Lily, and Uncle Brandon
It was so wonderful to have our friends come to celebrate! Funny how so much changes in a few years time at this stage of life. We have almost doubled in size in the last four years!
I am so thankful to everyone who came to celebrate and visit with us. I am also VERY grateful to be over my morning sickness! Happy first birthday Alexis, this time next year you will have a little brother or sister at your party :)

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