Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mac vs PC

I bought a Macbook Pro a few years ago and have loved it. Unfortunately, I am finding that some things/programs do not like Macs as much as they like Pc's. For instance, the manual that came with my new cell phone can only be used on a PC. Also, the new template designer for blogs... only on a PC. I guess I'm thankful now that my husband "hates Macs" and convinced me to let him move his desktop out to the living room. So this is me blogging for the first time via a PC and not a Mac. Which I am very thankful for because I was able to get a new layout look for my blog (may change again soon, not sure how I feel about it). Any of you have Mac vs PC stories?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Okay Fellow Bloggers, Help Please!

So I was trying to change my blog layout and whenever I click on Template Designer to go in and mess around and look at templates, I get nothing. Just a black screen that looks like it's "thinking" and trying to bring something up but nothing happens. I try clicking refresh and I still get nothing to come up. It's like my entire Blogger Template Designer is blank. Not quite sure what to do. Any advice from where to go from here would be VERY helpful! I clicked on a basic template to hold me over until I can personalize it some more.

Blessed, but Busy

I haven't been the best beginner blogger. At first I wasn't blogging because I thought I had nothing to blog about, but then I realized I wasn't blogging because I had no time! As of the beginning of January I am now working full time, taking 2 graduate courses, and training for a half marathon. I have a lot on my plate. At the end of the work day today I looked around my classroom and started to smile at how it has changed while I've been there and as the kids have been learning new things. I thought I would post some pics of my classroom to give you a peek into my home 40+ hours a week :)
What you see when you first walk through the door

Our Word Wall (still a work in progress) and some of our Non Fiction texts
Our CAFE Menu. The kids put a sticky note with their name under the strategy they are working on.
Our Math board

One view from the front of the room

 One of our reading corners

 One of our bookshelves

 What I see when I walk in my room every morning.