Saturday, February 9, 2013

4 Months Old

Alexis at 4 months: This photo shoot has proven to be the most difficult in the sense that she didn't want to cooperate. The first day she refused to smile and sat looking at me stoically the whole time and fussed on and off throughout it. Then I had us take a little break and she fell asleep. We tried the photo shoot again the next day and things went much better. Alexis has been using her hands to hold onto toys, blankets, Mommy's hair, and bring everything to her mouth. She is officially a crib sleeper now and has been sleeping in her own room for quite a while. We love that she is sleeping so well, but she uses thumb sucking to help soothe... we hope this doesn't become an issue later, but for now it's adorable. Alexis continues to smile and giggle at things that Mommy and Daddy say and do. She is very close to rolling over from her back to her tummy and can lift her head up very high during tummy time now. Spitting up is an hourly if not half hourly event, so she has been able to get a lot of use out of her bibs lately. I know these next few months will bring many more changes. I am of course excited about that, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for so much change to happen to my baby!


  1. She's so sweet! They change so fast, especially during the first year or two. Glad you're capturing some fun moments to remember (and even tough moments to laugh about later!). My twins (in Indiana) just turned 7 years old. They wanted a ninja party. :)

  2. 7 years old already?! Wow! A ninja party, what fun :) You have definitely had much experience with young ones and all of the stages and changes they go through!
