Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hawaiian Visitors

Well, I have been out of the blogosphere lately, but for good reason. My sister has been visiting from Hawaii for nearly 3 weeks and my brother in law Kyle was able to fly in and visit over President's Day weekend. It has been great to spend time with Britt and especially cherish the time together since I'm not sure when we'll see each other next.

When Britt visited Springfield, my aunt, uncle and cousins treated us to dinner at the Outback. I am so thankful to have family in Springfield!

Kyle only had about three days in Oregon, but Greg and I spent two of those days with he and Brittney and our family. We had dinner and game night at Kyle's parents on Saturday and then family photos with my family on Sunday (will post our awesome JcPenney's pics later).

Happy to finally be together again. 

The Adams Family

Ty, Katrina, and Macie

My incredible parents (aren't they cute?)

And the "brother in law in laws" as they insist on being called.

a lot of the old roommates from OSU got together for dinner on Sunday night.

I look exhausted in this picture... it had been a long weekend! 
Hoping to visit Britt and Kyle in Hawaii sometime soon. May not be for a year or so, but I think we owe them a visit since they came all the way out here right?