Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Workout Buddy

I have always enjoyed working out. As a child I was very active in sports which continued through high school where I gained a love of running. Personally, I like getting my workouts in early in the morning so I don't have time to avoid them throughout the day. It was much more tricky getting back into an exercise routine with Alexis as my new workout buddy. I have finally figured out how to fit it in after her morning feeding. This week we started 30 minute walks and yoga. Next week we are moving to 45 minute walks and pilates, the following week will be hour long walks and yoga, and then I will switch to some light jogging again.
It has been great to have a jogging stroller. We bought it off of Craigslist last spring and I am so glad we did. I am also grateful for her snowsuit that was a hand me down from her cousin which started out as a hand me down from another cousin!
Thankfully the stroller came with a weather protecting shield. I didn't even know they made them, but it has helped put my mind at ease knowing Alexis is staying warm and dry while we are out and about.
Another blessing is that we don't live far from a bike path. How great it is to not be on the road with traffic and having to navigate around corners!
Alexis seems to enjoy our walks. She normally stays awake for the first half of it before dosing off at the end.
I was even able to transport her from the stroller directly to her pack and play for an hour long nap yesterday. I didn't bother taking her out of the snowsuit. I think the warmth and coziness of it probably helped her nap even longer.
Yoga has been a little more tricky. She demands a lot of attention still while she is on her play mat. I don't mind at this point because I welcome the short breaks in the workout while I'm getting back into shape and working on that flexibility. Normally halfway through yoga I put her in her swing and she falls asleep giving me enough time for a shower afterwards.
I am thankful for my new workout buddy, even if I feel like she cramps my style now and again.

1 comment:

  1. Man, that stroller would be nice! I'm glad you are getting back in the swing of things!
