Thursday, March 17, 2011

Art Teacher

I was never artistically gifted. I can scrapbook just fine, but when it comes to creativity with painting or drawing I am doomed. I am determined not to allow my views of art influence my teaching. This week my third grade class had fun with some spring theme art. I gave them two choices: painting a still life or creating a mosaic. Here are some things that they came up with.
some of the artwork on our wall of fame

This one was mine... just wait til you see how the kid showed me up!

My attempt at being artsy in my classroom was a success and the students really seemed to enjoy it. It's also refreshing to have beautiful flowers on my back bulletin board. Now I have to think of a new art project for next month that is easy enough for me to demonstrate and doesn't require materials that I don't have access to at the school.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! I bet the kids loved it.
