Friday, March 18, 2011

Goodbye Wii, Hello PS3

Today I said goodbye to my Wii gaming system. Greg and Kyle convinced me that if they both have Play Station 3 systems they will be able to keep in touch better. Today we took the Wii, all of our controllers, and games into Game Stop to trade them in for a PS3.

I was sad to see the Wii go because I bought it a few years ago with my first ever paycheck from teaching. We both enjoyed the games and everything the Wii had to offer, but we don't play it very often. We also received the XBOX360 Kinect for Christmas. It's essentially the same type of motion gaming as the Wii, but you don't have to use a controller. The Wii just seemed obsolete at this point.

Even though I will miss playing the Wii, my happy husband makes up for it!
Happy with his new toy.

He even suggested we strap it in on the car ride home to keep it safe!


  1. I love that you guys buckled it up! Also, is Greg growing a mustache?

  2. ha ha ha :) He had been "growing it out" for a while. I think he actually shaved that night because he wasn't thrilled with it. Maybe I should tell him that Russell, Jeremy, and Jordan all have/are having kids and thick facial hair... maybe there is a correlation! I don't think he'd buy it ;)
