Friday, December 14, 2012

Church Family

I have been so incredibly blessed by my church family lately - specifically our Pastor's wife and their family. Greg and I attended Faith Evangelical Free Church in Dallas while we lived in Independence and we were very sad to leave our Sunday School group and my Small Group when we moved. After a year of trying churches in Springfield and Eugene we were told that the youth pastor and his family from Faith were planting a church in Eugene. We were ecstatic! Not only were we relieved to have a church family and a pastor we already knew and loved, but we were looking forward to being involved with a church from the beginning stages. We have been meeting in their home in Eugene and there are about 20-30 of us on any given Sunday morning. The name of our church is Emmaus Life and our mission statement is "reaching real people in real life through Jesus." We are so excited to see how the church grows and the impact we can have on the community.

I wasn't sure how I would feel about having church in such a small setting. We have had to step out of our comfort zones which has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. I have already learned a lot from my church family in the short time we have been meeting. Even though church looks much different for me than it ever has, one thing remains the same, the intimate time of worship through song to the Lord.
Our pastor's wife Charissa has been such a blessing to me. Since I had Alexis, she has checked in on me and been a listening ear. Their two children Ellie and Ethan are sweethearts and have enjoyed spending time with Alexis when we visit them during the week. Charissa is expecting a baby girl and Alexis has been great preparation for the two kiddos!

Charissa got me involved with the local MOPS group in Springfield and these adorable reindeer shirts were the craft a couple of weeks ago. I am so thankful for more relationships in Springfield, especially relationships with moms and sisters in Christ.

Our Pastor Scott and Charissa blessed Greg and I with a night of free babysitting last night. We went to dinner and then finished up our Christmas shopping. It was nice to be out and about just the two of us, but I felt like something was missing... I can't believe that after only 2 months with Alexis I don't feel whole without her!

Hope you all are having a great week. We are gearing up for Greg's big 12-12-12 birthday bash tomorrow! Blog on the birthday sometime next week.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome, I have always thought it would be fun, exciting, and challenging to be in on the ground floor of a church plant.
